Oleh:  Wibowo Wibisono, Wibi (18031)    16 tahun yang lalu


“On The Bragaweg”

O lovely ladies of Bandoeng
I could burst into song
When I see you go along
On the Bragaweg

I rate you high in looks
Far above the picture books
A real delight : to the sight
On the Bragaweg

Now Alas I’m going away
And no more, before midday,
Shall I linger, stare and stay
On the Bragaweg

But I hope some lucky day
Once again to make my way
And to beauty my homage pay
On the Bragaweg

(English admirer from Singapore)

Sebuah puisi sanjungan, dikutip dari koran Algemeen Indisch Dagblad ; De Preangerbode yang terbit di Bandung tahun 1937.

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